HDVI Shift®

Dynamically-priced Fleet Insurance

HDVI Shift is the first ever personalized and dynamically-priced insurance product in commercial auto.
Shift Score and Rate per 100 miles
Shift Score and Rate per 100 miles

HDVI Shift®

Dynamically-priced Fleet Insurance

HDVI Shift is the first ever personalized and dynamically-priced insurance product in commercial auto.

Drive safe. Reduce premiums.

The next generation of HDVI Shift is here with even bigger discounts – up to 20%

Now you can take control of your truck fleet’s insurance costs by earning a monthly discount for safe driving.

Rather than wait months to see a discount from your provider, HDVI allows fleets to earn discounts for safety in real-time. And by providing historical telematics data up front, fleets can unlock savings even faster. Read the press release here.

Truck icon
Personalized truck insurance
pricing based on real-time risk
List icon
The safer you drive,
the higher your discount
Lightbulb icon
Take back control
of your insurance costs
Wallet icon
Save up to 20%
with HDVI Shift

How Shift dynamic
pricing works

We deliver savings and value with HDVI Shift dynamically-priced trucking insurance

  • HDVI Shift safety discounts
  • Integrated HDVI Fleet Portal, safety video training, and driver rewards platform
  • Consultation with a dedicated fleet safety expert during the policy period.
HDVI Shift and Safety Lookback 20% savings on premium graph

How Shift dynamic
pricing works

We deliver savings and value with HDVI Shift® dynamically-priced trucking insurance

  • HDVI Shift safety discounts
  • Integrated HDVI Fleet Portal, safety video training, and driver rewards platform
  • Consultation with a dedicated fleet safety expert during the policy period.
HDVI Shift and Safety Lookback 20% savings on premium graph

HDVI Shift is a measure of your insurance risk that takes advantage of insights from telematics devices such as how you drive, when you drive, and where you drive

HDVI Shift is a measure of your insurance risk that takes advantage of insights from telematics devices such as how you drive, when you drive, and where you drive

We help fleets get more from their telematics

We connect with your ELD and dash cam solutions to get a real-time view of your risk.

Using the safety data coming from your trucks and our proprietary risk model is how we give big discounts for your safe driving.

Red truck in desert
route analysis

We give you all the tools and support you need to maximize savings and safety.

HDVI provides a variety of tools and personalized coaching to support fleet safety and success. We give immediate feedback on how to lower your premium within the policy period. As your safety increases, your monthly premiums decrease.

Are you a fleet domiciled in Pennsylvania or Oklahoma?

HDVI provides a variety of tools and personalized coaching to support fleet safety and success. We give immediate feedback on how to lower your premium within the policy period. As your safety increases, your premiums decrease.

HDVI Safe365 state map

Are you a fleet domiciled in Pennsylvania or Oklahoma?

HDVI provides a variety of tools and personalized coaching to support fleet safety and success. We give immediate feedback on how to lower your premium within the policy period. As your safety increases, your premiums decrease.

Check out dynamic pricing FAQs

How much can I save?

You are in control of your savings. Fleets can save up to a 20% discount on monthly premiums based on real-time risk.

When do I start earning discounts?

Fleets that share past telematics data as we are quoting have the opportunity to see savings from Day 1 of being a customer. Otherwise your first month starts with a competitive base rate and months 2 and beyond will reflect any discounts earned based on safety performance.

What safety variables drive the level of discount?

HDVI examines several factors, including driver behavior and safety critical events, as well as information about routes and time of day that trucks are driven, to develop our HDVI Shift Score and determine the level of discount to apply.

Will my premium ever go above my base rate?

Nope. The discount may go up or down but you’ll never pay more than your base rate.

Is dashcam video used to determine my monthly discount?

No, it's not used to determine your discount. It's used in conversations with your dedicated Fleet Services representative to help you understand safety critical events and identify trends to coach drivers.

What happens if I have a bad driving month?

We understand that no one is perfect. Your rate will never go above the base rate and should you have a poor driving month your discount will only reduce incrementally.

Dynamic pricing FAQs

How much can I save?

You are in control of your savings. Fleets can save up to a 20% discount on monthly premiums based on real-time risk.

When do I start earning discounts?

Fleets that share past telematics data as we are quoting have the opportunity to see savings from Day 1 of being a customer. Otherwise your first month starts with a competitive base rate and months 2 and beyond will reflect any discounts earned based on safety performance.

What safety variables drive the level of discount?

HDVI examines several factors, including driver behavior and safety critical events, as well as information about routes and time of day that trucks are driven, to develop our HDVI Shift Score and determine the level of discount to apply.

Will my premium ever go above my base rate?

Nope. The discount may go up or down but you’ll never pay more than your base rate.

Is dashcam video used to determine my monthly discount?

No, it's not used to determine your discount. It's used in conversations with your dedicated Fleet Services representative to help you understand safety critical events and identify trends to coach drivers.

What happens if I have a bad driving month?

We understand that no one is perfect. Your rate will never go above the base rate and should you have a poor driving month your discount will only reduce incrementally.