

Defend + Drive series blog image, Part One: The Lawsuit Shockwave. Is your fleet ready?
The Lawsuit Shockwave: Is your fleet ready?
The crash itself is often just a small part of a lawsuit. Learn the common failures often exploit...
Hello Kansas and New Jersey blog image
HDVI now available to fleets in Kansas and New Jersey
HDVI Shift®, the innovative, dynamically-priced insurance product, is now available to trucking f...
4 questions to ask your insurance agent
4 Questions to ask your insurance agent
Before renewing your insurance, make sure you know what questions you should ask your agent and t...
Don't Wait, Report Today: The benefits of quick claims reporting blog image
The benefits of quick claims reporting
Learn why quick claims reporting is important, the necessary info for reporting a claim, and the ...
HDVI brings claims in-house blog image
HDVI brings claims in-house
HDVI brings claims in-house to offer a more streamlined, efficient, and easy claims experience fo...
Get ready for CVSA's International Roadcheck May 16-18 blog image
Get ready for CVSA’s 2023 International Roadcheck
Follow these tips for how to prepare for CVSA's 2023 International Roadcheck.